Using Unreal Frontend to Package Your Project

So you're wanting to use UF to package your projects like a pro? You're in the right place then. 😃

UF makes it easier to build for different platforms with different settings (such as Development or Shipping) with just the click of a button.


  1. Go to your engine install folder and find UnrealFrontend.exe. (Mine is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.24\Engine\Binaries\Win64)
  2. Create a shortcut and put on your desktop or wherever.
  3. Open UnrealFrontend and click the bottom right + sign under Custom Launch Profiles.
  4. Customize settings for your game. These are some settings that I use when packaging.
  5. Click the back button at the top.
  6. Press the build button.
  7. The default directory will be Project/Saved/StagedBuilds.


until next time