Weekly Update 1 - Initial Commit

Since one of my new year's resolutions was to blog more (which I have already beat lol) I figured why not write an update post every week on what I did that week. I got the idea from Troy Hunt except I'm not doing a video. Yes, I'm aware the week starts on Sundays, but I'm writing these posts every Friday so deal with it.

So what did I do this week? Well, I wasn't crazy productive this week, but here we go.

I contributed some to TRDWLL which is this website and added Vivox in Shifted (a VR project I'm contracted on right now). I published some posts this week also.


I also got some good news today, I'm going back to my day job March 10th, 2020 - I'm excited. I know this isn't the best post, but I'll improve with time as you do with anything.

until next time