Weekly Update 29 - Happy Holidays

First off, Happy Christmas or Happy whatever you celebrate, if you do. I hope you have a great day today.


This week went by quite fast. I worked on Midjungard a little bit this week and played games. (I mainly had to wait for the lead to test some things before I could continue work.) Last Friday I bought the new Call of Duty (Cold War) and it's really fun. I didn't really enjoy Call of Duty Modern Warfare, but then again I'm a huge fan of Treyarch.

Midjungard work. I added Linux support in 9 hours. This was a pain in the ass due to the Build.cs for the project and some code that was included. (these issues were from GameLift). I added Steam Inventory/Microtransactions in about 4 hours and it works quite well. It just needs a nice UI for it. Player Data Storage (DynamoDB) took 8.5 hours and I'm still not 100% done with it, I have a small thing to add and should take no longer than an hour. I didn't really like using DynamoDB, but it's rather simple to use. Overall for this work my original quote was anywhere from 10-40 hours depending on the existing code of the project. (plugins when compiling for Linux)

I plan to start working on the async part of SteamBridge soon, but not entirely sure when I'll start on it.

I added a dark theme to the site this week and in turn I even managed to shrink my css so the site should load a bit faster now.


until next time